We’ve Moved!

We’ve talked about merging our blog and website for years but I’ve alway been too intimidated to actually build a website myself. Come to find out with a little patience and work, it wasn’t that hard at all and I am really happy to have finally gotten the whole thing under one roof.

If you are already a subscriber, I strongly encourage you to head on over to the blog and subscribe as I have been unable to transfer the subscriptions over. If you aren’t, no like the time to hop on board. I don’t normally post enough for it become annoying and this way you are guaranteed to stay up to date with all the goings on around here from our Charts and advice articles to our Q&A’s and Give-Aways.

I will be leaving this blog up just a little while longer but soon I will be saying goodbye and only the new blog will be updated with new content.
I would love for you to head on over to the blog and website and let me know what you think of the new design.


DeepWit Recordings

DeepWit Recordings New Blog Located on our Website

About sierramay
Sierra Maydell A&R/PR/Label Manager Skype: deewitrecordings http://www.deepwitrecordings.com WP: https://deepwitrecordings.wordpress.com/ DeepWit@me.com

Tell us what You Think :)