Want a DeepWit Collections CD, for Free?

Then sign up for our Monthly Newsletter Here and every month we will pick one subscriber to receive our DeepWit Collections CD for Free.

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Here at DeepWit we are transitioning from offering our podcast “DeepWit Sessions” exclusively for download to our once monthly Newsletter subscribers to it now being available on iTunes. Which includes of course the ability to download the show there as well as where we host the show on our Soundcloud after airing on Proton Radio, West Radio, and DE Radio.

This forced a rethink of what can we possibly offer you that would entice you to receive our neat, little, too the point Monthly Newsletter?

We decided the best way to lure you in would be start giving away one of our “DeepWit Collections CD” every month to our Subscribers. Alongside giving out one of our CD’s every month for free, we will be including exclusive giveaways and sales offers for our bandcamp only available to those signed up.

And don’t worry, we won’t spam you or ever share your email with anyone.